(Highpoint no longer has the 2310 listed on their G5 PCIe compatible cards page.) I had a mail from a reader that the RocketRaid 2310 PCIe SATA card is no longer supported with G5 towers (PCIe models of course) - including a quote from his discussion with Highpoint support saying "This (RR 2310) card is not recommended for G5 systems - some may not recognize the card, while others may experience strange CPU usage if one is installed". I remember back when OS X 10.5 was first released (fall 2007) there were several posts here on problems w/various RocketRaid cards at that time especially from PPC mac owners. (But card/driver problems are common after a new OS release with vendors playing catchup - ditto for Snow Leopard with some PCIe/expresscards.)Īnyway, his mail made me decide to call for some later feedback.

So if you're using an SATA card (any brand/model) in a G5 tower running OS X 10.5.x (preferably 10.5.8), let me know the details and if you've seen any problems or not. WINDOWS 7 LOADER EXTREME EDITION V3.504 TRIAL.WINDOWS 7 LOADER EXTREME EDITION V3.504 SOFTWARE.WINDOWS 7 LOADER EXTREME EDITION V3.504 PRO.WINDOWS 7 LOADER EXTREME EDITION V3.504 ARCHIVE.WINDOWS 7 LOADER EXTREME EDITION V3.504 UPDATE.